
This add-on depends on senaite.queue. If you don’t have this add-on installed yet, please follow the Installation instructions of senaite.queue first.

senaite.autopublish makes use of Selenium WebDriver, a well-known tool used for browser testing automation. Although this tool supports several browser drivers, senaite.autopublish only supports chromedriver. You have to manually install the chrome browser and the chrome driver first. Please, refer to chromedriver versions selection documentation for further details.

senaite.autopublish runs the browser in headless mode, but a graphical interface in place in your system is required. Since your SENAITE LIMS instance is probably running in a server without graphical interface, we suggest to install xvfb , a virtual framebuffer X server.

To install senaite.autopublish in your SENAITE instance, add this add-on in the eggs section of your buildout configuration file as follows, and run bin/buildout afterwards:

eggs =

With this configuration, buildout will download and install the latest published release of senaite.autopublish from Pypi, as well as the Selenium python package, that provides python language bindings for Selenium WebDriver.

Once buildout finishes, start the instance, login with a user with “Site Administrator” privileges and activate the add-on:



It assumes you have a SENAITE zeo client listening to port 8080